Friday, December 3, 2010

Floral Array Adoration

This was at "The Lawson Grove Shop" in South Yarra. We had rhubarb muffins and chai. I loved the vases, and I loved the flowers, loved the ambience, loved the lights, loved the everything!
So, when can I move in?


Whilst in Melbourne, I also stumbled across this hand-painted bicycle. I've been wanting to paint mine, but I wasn't sure how brush painting it would go. But, it worked out very very well on this, and I think I shall do mine cream with a peppermint/teal coloured pinstripe or two along the step-through bar.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Alfred Park

As well as buying two "Le Louvre" shirts, and a rhapsody in blue LP, I found these treats at the op-shop in Alfred Park, and thought they were too charming to not come home with me immediately! One is an old biscuit tin (which shall become my letter tin) and the others are blank, old, giant, thick postcards from England.

I took their photos using the free "moreLomo" iPhone app, which I absolutely adore. I highly recommend it! I also like "Instagram", which gives you more filters, and lets you share your mini-masterpieces. Again, a freebie.

Pillows and Cushions and Shams, Oh My!

I was in IKEA again today, buying more fairy-lights, when I saw these very pretty cushions. I just loved each of the patterns. The last one, in truth, is a bed linen set - one of my friends has it - and I love it to bits!
The cushions were sized 40cm x 50cm, with a 2cm overhang to cover the zipper. When I get the sewing maching out again, I'll have a go at making one out of the fabric we have lying around here.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

musical winnings.

A congratulatory post to one of my favourite bands on their winning of the J-award for best album of 2010. Tame Impala - Innerspeaker.
Here's they at The Palace this year in Melbourne. We were in the front row. It was out of this world.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Treasure-hunting with my Grandma

Last weekend, I went to a market day with my Grandma, and found nothing of real intrest at the market. BUT, we then ventured into the thrift shop, and after spending the morning looking at all the cute tea-cup trios, and not being able to justify spending my not-so-hard-earned dough on them, I found this one in there for six dollars - and it's english bone china and all!!

Made me very very happy. Now I can finally have my tea and toast on matching crockery! Then I found these charming plates and two bowls, and on asking how much, was told "oh, a dollar for the lot, love". Bargain. They will look super-fabulous in the caravan!!


El Caravano was in dire need of some new curtains, so, following a fabulously easy recipe on design*sponge I makeded some in ever-lovely gingham.

I then ventured up to la caravan and hung them. I still have a few more to make, but I think they've turned out pretty darn well for a first attempt at curtain-making! I think I may put some sun-block lining on the next ones thought, as they're a tad flimsy.